woensdag 28 oktober 2009

Russian encounters part I

It has been 2 months now that I am staying in Russia and one of the most interesting things here is that you meet a lot of interesting peoples. I will tell you some of the most interesting encounters.

first to start, of course, with that part of the civilication that keeps the clothing industry working, women.

I was talking with a girl in Donetsk about Ukraine politics and she was telling me the following things I didn't know about Ukraine yet: the wife of Viktor Yuschenko was handpicked by the CIA, the wedding was arranged by 'the Americans' and in reality she is an American spy. Yulia Timochenko has besides prime minister also the oldest profession in the world (great multitasking talent I'd say). the people who are in charge now just want to 'sell' Ukraine to the "west" because of the 'rich natural resources' and the richdom of the country. this is exactly why I love talking politics here.

other girl in Russia bases her friendships on the stars. It seems that I am very lucky to talk to her because she told me that if it doesn't fit her sign then she can talk to you but she'll never be a real friend.

if you start drinking with some girls it is interesting to watch how the evening develops. you can see every single emotion in just one single evening. Intense hate (especially about boys), divine devotion, extreme happiness, low meannes, sadness till tears and some very fascinating ideas about relationships!

We where sitting outside the other day drinking a beer. suddenly an babushka comes to us asking if we have seen a boy. she joines us and she starts talking about this boy, which is 17 and the boyfriend of her granddaughter, that he is a lazy guy, good for nothing but more important that he is not blessed with a big third leg, hence not good for her granddaughter. now she is looking for the guy around the appartments because the mother would not give her his adress (very wise mother I'd say) because she will sent him to the army. this encounter ends with the babuska drinking our wodka.

now the boys. I have been in a car with 4 Armenians (because I had to fix my car at their garage and we were getting some money from the bank) and of cousre they ask if I like Russian girls. they were driving the car in reverse down the pedestrian zone to talk to some girl if they weren't interested in a foreigner? very strange that they didn't respond to 5 guys in a black car!

I have been offered protection for practually anyone, but especially if I meet Skinheads than I just have to call to a telephone number which I do not have and all my problems will be solved. protection is also arranged against football hooligans and regular annoying people in Volgograd.

then the strangest thing: DPS I have had 2 checks but everytime they were checking my documents and in all of a sudden they start to running, start their car and start chasing someone else! this must be because I have protection you know, they can sense that!

all of these encounters are just to ackward to make up and I am very looking forward to some new ones!

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